Adopt Change
November is National Childhood Permanency Month, promoting safe, nurturing, stable homes for every child.
The brief
Currently there are 45,756 children in out-of-home (foster) care across Australia and this number is growing. While many of these kids find permanency, sadly many more do not. This month, our not-for-profit client, Adopt Change, set about promoting the need for more families to support Australia’s most vulnerable kids.
The good
It’s a confronting, in your face subject matter – the ever growing number of children in “the system” and the dire shortage of permanent care available across Australia. How to deliver a powerful, palatable message that cuts through the noise and prompts action? Through a contemporary 30 second motion graphic TVC, and through the lens of Tom*, we bring to life the real-life story of a young boy in out-of-home care yearning for his forever home.
The impact
Tom’s story was broadcast as a CSA on Nine and Foxtel throughout the month of November, as well as placed on social and online, used in PR and at the client’s National Permanency Conference. While this is a slow burn, the TVC is busy doing its job – prompting an emotional response from viewers while continuing to put a much-needed spotlight on vulnerable kids in need.
*name changed for privacy