Australian Government Department of Health
11 March 2020. With more than 4,000 deaths worldwide and rising, the World Health Organisation declares coronavirus a global pandemic. Here in Australia, Federal Government preparations were well underway to contain the spread. Life as we knew it was changing rapidly, and never before had it been more important for the public to be kept accurately informed and educated on how to keep safe and stop the spread.
The brief
In a global pandemic, with a 24/7 news cycle, there’s plenty of
opportunity for misinformation and panic.
The Australian Government Department of Health’s role, as our most
trusted and credible voice in communicable disease outbreak, was (and
still is) to keep the Australian public informed on all things
coronavirus, including what it is, how it’s transmitted, what to do if
you get it and how to stop it spreading. The urgent brief to Carbon
Creative – to develop and produce a Through the Line awareness campaign
to drive immediate, ongoing behaviour change. Our target audience – the
whole of the Australian general public.
The good
Working closely with Health and the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, Carbon Creative set about helping educate on how the coronavirus spreads, the critical need for personal hygiene and physical distancing, knowing the signs and symptoms, staying at home when sick, getting tested, maintaining good mental health, keeping yourself informed and the importance of looking after the vulnerable in our community.
In this highly responsive phase, the immediate priority was to disseminate clear, transparent, succinct messaging that was both reassuring and empathetic, prompting vigilance without fear. Critical to engagement, making sure the approach was inclusive of the whole of audience.
Carbon’s strategy was to keep our creative accessibly clever; simple, so the message was easily understood, reassuring, relatable and highly adaptable as situations changed rapidly. The use of line drawing animation allowed for compressed lead times while enabling accessibility for mainstream, CALD and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander audiences.
Our highly campaignable “soap bubble” brand mark and tagline “Help stop the spread” were developed and coupled with the equally recognisable illustrative “pink” coronavirus, driving recognition and recall. The deliberate use of background colour by subject matter helped promote positivity, while differentiating the content from other COVID creative in market.
Storytelling in live action – filmed abiding by strict COVID restrictions – gave window for us to give engaging heartfelt thanks to Australia, promote well needed mental health messages and critically, educate on how the virus spreads.
The impact
Distributed via unprecedented Above the Line media across TV, SVOD, radio, social, digital, OOH, convenience and print, as well as Below the Line via extensive government stakeholders, our creative generated high measurable impact. In the first week alone in market, research reported Australians felt relief to know the rules and what was expected of them to minimise the spread and keep the country safe. A strong feeling of community ensued and endured as much of Australia embraced a common goal of stopping the spread.

social media
a wide array of assets were created to communicate the latest advice
to all Australians.

social media
a wide array of assets were created to communicate the latest advice
to all Australians.

A powerful yet simple
reminder to Australia
how COVID-19 spreads.